Why “Unsifted Pensamientos”?

Why “unsifted pensamientos”? Good question. First, “pensamientos” is the Spanish word for “thoughts.” There’s the first part of the answer.

So why unsifted thoughts?

It comes from a lovely poem…

Friendship (by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik)
Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
having neither to weigh thoughts,
nor measure words – but pouring them
all right out – just as they are –
chaff and grain together –
certain that a faithful hand will
take and sift them –
keep what is worth keeping –
and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

I and two of my closest friends read this poem together and loved it! What a beautiful description of true friendship and unconditional love.. Feeling safe enough with a person to pour out your “unsifted thoughts,” without worrying that you will be judged or rejected for those thoughts, but instead knowing that your friend will help you process those thoughts and take the thoughts and ideas worth keeping and graciously dismiss the others. Unsifted thoughts are honest thoughts – thoughts that you only think aloud when you are with people who have proven to be safe and trustworthy. And what a joy to have those people in my life!

So am I putting my unsifted thoughts on the interwebs? Of course that would be a no. You’d have to get to know me well to hear those 🙂 But here you’ll find some of my slightly-sifted thoughts 🙂

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